Item Name | Bamboo crochet hooks |
Price | |
Description | Material: bamboo Length: 15 cm Quantity: 12 sizes Sizes:3.0mm,3.5mm,4.0mm,4.5mm,5.0mm,5.5mm, 6.0mm,6.0mm.5.0mm,7.0mm,8.0mm,9.0mm,10 mm |
Available Stock | Available in stock |
Free pattern: Alphabet Graph
this is the template which I normally use for alphabet.
all of these alphabets have been tested except for 'V' and 'Q'
each boxes represent one double croch...
salam.. masih ada lagi x bamboo hook ni dalam stock ?
boleh yakin ke barang ni akan sampai slepas bayar ?
barang ni akan sampai selepas bayaran dibuat ke?
w'salam..masih ada dalam stok..
barang akan dipos pada hari yang sama jika bayaran dibuat sebelum pukul 11.
jika selepas pukul 11, item akan dipos pada keesokan hari..
Salam akak ^_^ kalau kita beli.. dapat 1 set ke? tq
ya dik, dapat satu set :-)
are these still available ?
are they still available ?
yes still available dear
hello there.nak tanya ni.saya minat nak beli crochet hook set.saya nak tau mana satu kualiti yang baik,bamboo,aluminium atau?..thanks
2-2 pun ok dear, tapi yg hot selling adalah aluminium
kalau nak beli sebatang je boleh tak??
hello, it is still available?
yes still available
Hello, if i buy mean i have to bank in for u and u ship the thing for me right how bout the shipping fee isn't count in the fees? and can i buy only one needle cause i'm just new to this please reply thankz ^^
saya dh submit form. please check ya. tq
I m looking for single piece hook. do you have size 10 and 12mm?
masih bole order lagi ne..stok available tak..??
sorry dear dah habis...
Ble pre order?
memang ada stock, tak perlu pre order, boleh emel ke untuk order ya. TQ
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